Can you really use advanced techniques without knowing html to format your E-Book?
You want your e-book to stand out with the truly elegant flourishes professional publishers use. However, you don’t know HTML and can’t afford a formatter.
This book uses a step-by-step approach and already-coded HTML templates to show you how to painlessly build special effects into your e-book. Inside its pages, you’ll learn how to:
* Include dramatic illustrations for chapter headings and page dividers.
* Insert big and small capital letters (small caps) for titles.
* Use large capital letters (dropped caps) to start your chapters.
* Code text blocks of slighly smaller text and narrower margins for truly lovely set-off quotations.
* Create boxed or rounded-corner excerpts within the text for emphasizing a statement.
* Highlight selected text to go over a grey background for standout quality.v
* Painlessly format bulleted and numbered lists.
* Flawlessly create professional tables.
* Create clickable links to websites and anywhere within your book for easy navigation.
* Easily link informatoin to create standard footnotes and professional-grade popup footnotes where an additional small window appears on the screen with the information.
* Custom-format your Table of Contents.
Professional formatting in your e-book will make your work stand above the others. Get this book today and make your e-book look amazing tomorrow!
Also see Book 1 of this Format Series: Self-Publish for Less than $100: Step-by-Step Guide to Format Your Book and E-Book, Get a Cover and ISBN, and Publish to Sell